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Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

2019年,科罗拉多州通过了SB19-085或同工同酬法案(EPEWA)。. EPEWA went into effect January 1, 2021. The intention of the bill is to address pay gaps 由性别歧视引起,并提高科罗拉多州劳动力的透明度.

北科罗拉多大学致力于提供公平和支持 environment for its employees.

UNC在David Drown Associates (DDA)的帮助下,开始了评估的任务 整个校园的员工分类和薪酬. After DDA’s review, the university does not anticipate wide-spread salary changes; a reduction or elimination of jobs; 或者改变员工目前的工作头衔或工作职责.

EPEWA Basics

该法案保护雇员免受基于性别(包括性别)的薪酬歧视 身份)-单独或与其他受保护状态相结合-用于实质上 无论职位如何,在技能、努力和责任方面都能做类似的工作.

  • Who does the Equal Pay Act apply to?

    EPEWA适用于科罗拉多州的所有公共雇主和雇员 and private.

    Employer 被定义为国家或任何政治分支机构、委员会、部门、机构、 或其学区,以及在该州雇用人员的所有其他人员.

    Employee is defined as a person employed by an employer.

  • What does Colorado's Equal Pay Act require?

    There are several components to the EPEWA. Some of the provisions are:

    1.  Prohibits wage discrimination 规定雇主不得基于下列理由歧视雇员 性,或基于性与另一种受保护的身份相结合,通过付费 一种性别雇员的工资率低于另一种性别雇员的工资率 sex for substantially similar work (based on a composite of skill; effort, which may include consideration of shift work; and responsibility), regardless of job title. 如果考虑到以下至少一个因素,工资率差异是允许的 for the entire wage rate differential:​
      • A seniority system;
      • A merit system;
      • 计税制度:用生产的数量或质量来衡量收入的制度;
      • 工作进行的地理位置;
      • 教育、训练或经验,在某种程度上它们是合理相关的 to the work in question; or
      • 旅行,如果旅行是正常和必要的工作条件.
    2. The Act requires the employer 保存职位描述和工资率历史记录 每位雇员在受雇期间加上两年结束后 employment.

    3. The Act requires providing notice of job openings and promotional opportunities,包括每小时或工资率或范围,以及所有职位的一般描述 为被录用的申请人提供的福利和其他补偿.

    4. Prohibits using pay history 对于未来的雇员,要求雇主不得寻求工资率 历史,或依靠工资率的历史,未来的员工来确定 a wage rate.  对未来雇员的歧视或报复 to disclose wage rate history is prohibited.

  • Does EPEWA allow for pay differences? 


    • Seniority
    • Merit
    • Education, training, and experience
    • Geographic location
    • Travel
    • Quantity/quality of production
  • What does the law prohibit?
    • 查找或使用工资率历史记录来确定员工的工资率
    • Discrimination and retaliation
      • 针对未显示其当前工资水平的潜在员工
      • 因为他们询问、披露或讨论了他们的个人信息 wage rate

Review Process

UNC与David Drown Associates合作完成了对所有UNC的初步审查 employee categories and compensation. For information on the full process sent to employees, please refer to the Equal Pay Memo

Equal Pay Memo

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Review Process Summary


  • Classified

    Step 1: Establish Employment Grades

    分类职务继续实行国家批准的职级制度 of Colorado. 

    Step 2: Examine Variances

    被分类的雇员按工作分类,然后按工资等级,然后 通过工作年限和工资来确定是否存在差异 by sex for substantially similar positions. The same process that was used for the 教职员工也以同样的理由申请(终身教职、市场教职、特殊教职) 技能),以确定在相同的员工工资差异的基本原理 grade.

    我们无法确定工资差异的原因,员工的 工资提高到同级别员工的水平. 39 employees 他们的工资调整了吗,所有调整的成本都超过了5万美元

  • Exempt

    Step 1: Establish Employment Grades

    豁免员工按工作类别分类,然后按决策等级法©(DBM)等级, and finally by salary.

    Step 2: Examine Variances

    同一工作家庭和DBM员工的工资在哪里有差异 grade, we investigated to determine the cause. Salary differences could be generally explained by one of the following causes:

    • Tenure
    • 市场(如缺乏合格员工的职位)
    • Special Skills

    在那些我们无法确定工资差异原因的案例中, 该员工的工资被提高到同级别员工的水平 工作家族、DBM等级和任期与他们自己最接近. Over 60 employees 他们的工资调整了吗,所有这些调整的成本都超过了30万美元.

  • Faculty

    Step 1: Establish Employment Grades

    教师被分类-首先是教学计划分类(CIP)代码, then by rank, and finally by salary.

    Step 2: Examine Variances

    对于我们无法确定工资差异原因的教员, 该员工的工资被提高到同级别员工的水平 CIP code and rank. 15名员工的工资进行了调整,成本超过10万美元 for all the adjustments.

有关David Drown Associates公司及其相关政策的更多信息 有关薪酬及分类,请浏览 DDA Website